Pet product review: Bamboo’s dog body brush with shampoo applicator

dogbrushshampooI’ve been using Bamboo’s dog body brush lately when bathing my dogs, and I have to say that the pugs love it. With its large rubber-like bristles, the brush must be like a massage for them because they get his peaceful look on their faces when I rub it over their backs. The brush also has a pocket stuffed with a small plastic bottle that you’re supposed to fill with shampoo, and the top opens with one click for relatively easy one-handed application.

The brush would be even cooler if Bamboo could eliminate the act of having to open the shampoo bottle and squeeze it; if the shampoo could dispense itself somehow, that would make it just about perfect. The size of the brush is a good one, too — it’s comfortable even in my small hands. You can also use the brush dry, but it doesn’t pick up much hair on my pugs since their short hair doesn’t clump together; this might work better on a longer haired dog.

Sushi loves her Bamboo brush -- she just doesn't like being photographed while enjoying her brush.

Sushi loves her Bamboo brush -- she just doesn't like being photographed while enjoying her brush.

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Maya Meinert

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07 2009

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  1. 1

    i love that you post pet stuff! i got a chihuahua last year – and STILL learning about all the stuff i need to do for her…